
Friday, January 15, 2010

Tokyo A GoGo

Spent this past weekend in Tokyo. I try to go up there every couple of months to meet with people about possible photo jobs and to just get away from Osaka for a bit.

I had a good meeting with the former editor of S&M Sniper. He introduced me to some new contacts and I came away with some possible jobs. First up, I was introduced to the editor of Sniper Eve, Kenji Honda. I will be shooting photos for them, mainly of the S/M Queens in and around Osaka. This magazine is mainly about S/M Queens. I used to shoot for S&M Sniper but last year the magazine folded, now only Sniper Eve is still in print. The next exhibit I have planned is a suspension series. The the woman who was suspended is also an S/M Queen here in Osaka, Shiho .
The editor of Sniper Eve liked the suspension photo I showed him and he will run a page or two about my exhibit. I can't post that photo yet since I haven't had the exhibit but I will later after I show my photos, I will show them in Osaka and then Tokyo, probably around July since that is when the magazine will come out, it comes out quarterly. July will give me enough time to finish editing the photos and video, and make the postcards, etc...

I also met the editor of Modern Freaks, Mitutika Fukuda, the magazine is web based at the moment but he will publish another edition once he gets enough material. I will be sending him stuff that I have shot in the past, suspensions, cutting, and other body modification shots.

And lastly, I met the owner of Baby Doll, Mirano Midorikawa. It is a corset shop in Harajuku, Tokyo. She has a small space in her shop's dressing room where she has artists exhibit their artwork and she wants me to do a small exhibit there someday. She liked my feet series so I think I will shoot more of them and do a small show there.

Here are some pix that I took of some friends; the front corset and feet are Natsuki, my regular foot model, and the other two are of Yuri, a new model I just met. I plan on shooting them together the next time I go up, shots of them wearing matching corsets and shots of their feet, gotta start getting more photos for my exhibit at Baby Doll.

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